• Question: if we had no oxygen would we have gravity

    Asked by 782grak44 to Daniel, Maggie, Ry, Scott on 16 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ry Cutter

      Ry Cutter answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      We would, gravity is determined by how much stuff a planet is made of.
      With no oxygen the Earth would probably weigh a little less so it’s gravity would be weaker, but there probably wouldn’t be any people to measure it 🙁 no oxygen means no people
      great question,
      ryan 🙂

    • Photo: Maggie Lieu

      Maggie Lieu answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      If we had no oxygen then we would still have gravity. Gravity comes with everything with mass. Since here, the Earth has the most mass compared to all other objects, the gravity we feel the most is the Earth’s gravity.
