• Question: Does life need gravity?

    Asked by 232grak26 to Daniel, Hannah, Maggie, Ry, Scott on 14 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ry Cutter

      Ry Cutter answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Yes! Without gravity there would be no atmosphere, which means no oxygen… which life really needs 🙁
      Great Question,

    • Photo: Maggie Lieu

      Maggie Lieu answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Humans have not yet given birth in space but we’ve sent rats up and they’ve had babies in space. This means that life doesnt need gravity. BUT without gravity the Earth wouldnt orbit the Sun so it would be really cold and dark. Plants would die and we would have nothing to eat so in a way yes we need gravity

    • Photo: Scott Melville

      Scott Melville answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      Yup, I think Maggie’s got this one – life needs a lot of things, and although gravity helps provide those things, it isn’t actually essential (as far as we can tell). If you put the right mix of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen in a test tube and mix it all up, you can grow living cells,

      From chemicals to life: Scientists try to build cells from scratch

      and there’s no need to do that here on Earth – you can also do it in space.
      But how did we get all those lovely chemicals together in the first place? Like Ryan says – it’s actually gravity which pulls all these things down to Earth for us to use, so in that sense it’s like an important tool (it isn’t essential, but it sure helps!). Imagine trying to nail pieces of wood together without a hammer – you could probably manage it, but it would be super difficult!

    • Photo: Hannah Middleton

      Hannah Middleton answered on 17 Nov 2017:

      Life can survive without gravity. But maybe it would never have got started without gravity as there would be no stars or planets, but who knows – maybe life would have been some strange aliens floating about in space! 🙂
